Building a beautiful relationsip with you

When it comes to relationships, we focus on our relationship with others – with our family, friends and colleagues. How often do we think about our relationship with ourselves? I guess the answer for most of us is – not that much! Most people don’t like sitting with their thoughts. In moments of solitude, we […]
Frustrated with all the negativity?

Hey, It’s September 2020 and the lockdown is still in effect (at least in Victoria, Australia). It’s been hard for most people, almost six months from when it all started. I try not to get stuck too much into negativity (in general) because that doesn’t get you anywhere. So, I’ve taken to learning new art […]
Is it ok to be emotional?

Emotions are a vital part of our life as human beings. It is said that emotions evolved in response to ecological challenges faced by our primitive ancestors. Every emotion has a distinct neurological circuit. It was, and is, important for our survival! There are many emotions, but in the 20th century Paul Ekman identified six […]