Unleash Your Financial Power: Dive into Our Exclusive Women’s Day Money Vault!

woman enjoying money

Ah, March! The month that marks the beginning of autumn (in the southern hemisphere, at least), a season of change and contemplation. It’s a time to hit the brakes, just a tad, and savour the beauty of transformation all around. March, personally, holds a special place in my heart. Why, you ask? Well, aside from […]

Building a Loving Relationship with Your Finances 😍

Continuing with the trend of love theme in February, let’s look at how you can build a loving relationship with your finances. 😍 In the realm of self-care, we often think of pampering ourselves with spa days or cozy nights in. However, an essential and sometimes overlooked facet of self-care lies in the realm of […]

Do you know your financial goals for 2024? 🤑💹

Every new year heralds fresh beginnings. Last time, I shared five questions to elevate your holistic living in 2024. Now, let’s delve into five more questions to ignite your financial goals for the year ahead. Q1: How can I foster a mindset of Financial Abundance in 2024? Reflect on your money beliefs. Are there constraints that […]

5 Qs to kickstart your 2024 🤸🏻‍♀️✨

Happy New Year! Like me, if you have been traveling, and you haven’t had a chance to think about what you want, you need to read on and just answer these five questions to get your 2024 started. Question #1: If you had a magic wand and could change one thing in 2023, what would […]

The Science of Self-Motivation: How to Stay Inspired

Are you the kind of person who is self-motivated or do you struggle with it? Motivation is the driving force behind many of our actions and the foundation of goal-setting. Let’s explore the science of self-motivation to understand how it plays a critical role in your journey towards success. The role of dopamine Dopamine is […]

I wanted something different…

Have you ever gone through a period in life where you thought ‘it’s not working anymore’ and you seriously needed some change? A time when you would do anything to get out of where you were? When you were ready to move in a new direction, where it would lead you to your land of […]

A fulfilled life can help you attract money 🤑

With the end of 2023 almost in sight, let me ask you – ‘how has your year been’? Is it what you envisioned or has it surpassed your expectations? At this time of the year, we can be a bit low on energy. With the change in season and also for parents, being the last […]

My monthly reflection – August 2023

Hello, my beautiful readers. How has your August been? Can you believe that we only have only 4 months till the end of the year? Personally, I am looking forward to spring. There is something about spring that is fresh and aligns in my mind with birth and newness in life. The time when flowers […]

Reflections from June

June has been an exciting month for me – with some winning moments and some aha’s. I had a speaking engagement at a local networking event last Wednesday. If there was one fear I wanted to overcome, it was being a good speaker. I attended a stand-up comedy show by a popular person from India, […]