Welcome to the July edition of my reflections. What a month it has been. Emotionally it was a roller coaster of a ride and I can’t wait to share my journey with you during the month of July.
I briefly mentioned our internet woes in June, but July started off on a positive note – we finally got our high-speed internet connection and life has been so much better since then. We can now watch movies without interruption and though it may seem trivial, it brings me so much joy about such a simple thing and this will be one thing I cherish for a long time to come.
Over the last few years, I’ve come to appreciate the small things (and the big things). More importantly, I appreciate the things that have been in my life over a long period of time. What I mean is that most people really badly want something. When they get it, they are excited about it for a few days, weeks at the most and then want something else.
I’ve learnt to appreciate it for longer periods of time. As an example, it’s been almost two years since I bought my MINI and prior to that, it was on my vision board for nearly 5 – 8 years. Even after two years, every single time I get into my car, I am awed and star-struck at the elegance of the car and that it is mine. That is what I mean by appreciating what you worked hard for and enjoying it for a long time to come. Another true appreciation for my family and me is our house. Every now and then, a conversation comes up about our previous places of residence and we, including my children, are really appreciative of where we live now and how lucky we are.
Even though the month started on a good note, there was a lot to be processed at the work front. My partner had to face some serious work issues which caused a lot of stress at home. I am a big believer in life being a journey and that every lesson we learn has a purpose and makes us stronger, but this one I will never wish upon anyone. During the tough time, we came together as a family, supporting each other as best as we could.
My daily spiritual practice keeps me sane, but I had to take extra time during those weeks to find the strength to support all of us. I believed the Universe had our back and things changed/are changing slowly.
In my business, I decided to get help and started the month training an assistant. It’s been a while since I last had help in my business and I forgot how much energy and time is required to train someone. But I knew it would be totally worth it in the long run. The first two weeks were awesome and I saw great potential, but in the third week, a few issues arose and I decided to nip it in the bud. That was a hard decision for me and I had to take it. I did a lot of journaling to sift through my thoughts around the things that were happening. Eventually, it came to sticking to my values. I had some tough conversations at the end of which I decided to let go of that person and look for another one.
Sometimes, when difficult situations arise, we are caught up in emotions. I always encourage everyone to feel their emotions and it is important to acknowledge them. But beyond a certain point, it is wise to use your experience to make a decision. We all have choices in life, with each choice leading us through a different journey. It is important to choose a fork in the road knowing that it is your conscious choice and one road is not better over the other, as long as you are willing to take responsibility for the choice you made.
The best thing through these ‘not-so-good’ times was that I binge-watched a few series. Yay! A couple of them are ‘Virgin River’ and ‘Good Witch’. Ok, I need to tell you that watching these series, is no longer about binge watching for me. I actually learn a few things from the character of the leading ladies. Like what, I hear you ask. I learn about communication, restraint (especially in relationships), letting others make a choice (even when you don’t like it), setting boundaries and many more.
It has been a wonderful month spiritually and emotionally and I have emerged as a beautiful butterfly from its cocoon. I look forward to my journey with all the lessons I’ve learnt.
P.S. If any of this resonates with you, please send me some love.
P.P.S. Also, this is the kind of work I do with my coaching. If you would like help with any aspect of your life, including your money-life, let’s chat.
Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash