Hey lovely people. This is my sixth reflection of the year and every month I now look forward to sharing my thoughts.
The ending of lockdown #4 helped me in various ways. We had internet issues at the beginning of June, so homeschooling got hard for many days on end. I was glad when schools re-opened and my children were able to study without interruption. So much for living in a first world country! I also wanted to meet friends and catch up over dinners or even to walk outside (in the fresh air) whenever I felt like it. I know other states in Australia are going into lockdown now. Hold on peeps – this too shall pass.
Something that worked well for me this month – to stand back and think through a situation. I find that when it is closer to my cycle aka PMS week, the struggle is real. I am very emotional and teary, which is usually not me. That and lockdowns really get to me.
As a mother, a wife, a friend, I feel I take on the other person’s energy too much. I never thought I was an empath, but I think I have evolved into one over the last few years. But this can be hard. If you, as an empath, is going to take on everybody else’s energy (usually the low vibes), imagine how you are going to feel. So, this is what I meant by I am learning to stand back and think through a situation.
Nowadays, when anyone close to me comes to me with a problem, rather than take on the low energy, I consciously pass on some of my positive vibes to them and let them carry on, on their journey called life. Some battles can be fought together, some for another and others that really need to be faced by the person, alone.
Another thing I am getting good at – to truly believe that the Universe has my back. In fact, nothing is truer than this. If each one of us believed in this, we would live life differently. You may think – “it’s easy for you to say this, Obu”. I say this not because things always go to plan. In fact, a client who has been with me for a while and was quite happy with my service moved away. I only knew about this when I called to wish her a happy birthday (yes, I make the ‘happy birthday’ call to a lot of people and I love the joy that this call brings to people, both my clients and friends). Instead of being angry or frustrated, I wished her luck and told her to touch base with me if she ever needed anything.
I believe that there is a ‘season’ and a ‘reason’ why people come into our lives. I also believe that when one door closes, another opens. This has never been truer in my life this year than ever before (or maybe I am finally realising the truth in this). Getting older has its benefits – becoming wiser (ha ha ha).
The third thing that I want to share from June is to feel the fear and do it anyway. Let me establish some ground here. I just don’t like needles or blood and that is the key reason why I never studied to become a doctor even though I scored good marks in my VCE. So, when I chose to take the vaccine (yes, you now know my age), it was a real struggle for me. Only because, I actually did not want to take the vaccine for as long as possible but add to it my fear of needles.
This was during the lockdown, so I had to go alone. As I was driving to the hospital, I was analysing this ‘fear’. I was remembering all the times in the past when I felt the fear and did it anyway. Like getting the epidural – who likes needles, that too in their spinal cord? I did it for my babies. Times when I’ve been brave for others – like the first time my son had asthma and he nearly died from 75% of his lung being shut down. In hindsight, those were scarier than some things I now fear (mostly business decisions).
Maybe we should all make a list of the top 10 scary things we have faced in the past. When we struggle in the present moment with fear, it will help us to look at this list and know how brave we have been.
Life is a roller coaster and there may be other moments of fear in the future. Know that there is a well of courage inside each one of us, that has helped us get to where we are now.
That’s a wrap for this month. If anything resonates with you, I would love to hear any thoughts, any aha moments, any ideas or suggestions.
Take care till next month.