What if you were to live till 150 years old?
Would you live a slower pace of life?
What if you realised that your children (on an average) stay with you for 20 years only?
Would you spend a lot of conscious moments with them?
What if money was abundant?
Would you live an all-rounded life and not just to earn money?
What if you knew that thoughts created your world?
Would you take some effort to think positive thoughts only?
What if there was an elixir for your health?
Would you adopt healthy habits (happiness, sleep, good breathing, water, nutritious food, exercise, rest, play, mindset)?
What if there was no failure?
Would you try new things?
What if doing the things you love brings in more abundance?
Would you spend regular time in creation mode (music, dance, cooking, painting or anything you like)?
What if your children are actually your teachers?
Would you listen to them with curiosity?
What if sitting still will bring you answers to your problems?
Would you make time to sit still often?
What if you knew kindness is a boomerang?
Would you be kinder to everyone?
When you are stuck with limiting thoughts, it can be hard to think any different. Create space, both physically and mentally, to find solutions to whatever limits you.
Be blessed and take care of yourself.