Frustrated with all the negativity?

Hey, It’s September 2020 and the lockdown is still in effect (at least in Victoria, Australia). It’s been hard for most people, almost six months from when it all started. I try not to get stuck too much into negativity (in general) because that doesn’t get you anywhere. So, I’ve taken to learning new art […]
Is it ok to be emotional?

Emotions are a vital part of our life as human beings. It is said that emotions evolved in response to ecological challenges faced by our primitive ancestors. Every emotion has a distinct neurological circuit. It was, and is, important for our survival! There are many emotions, but in the 20th century Paul Ekman identified six […]
What if?

What if you were to live till 150 years old? Would you live a slower pace of life? What if you realised that your children (on an average) stay with you for 20 years only? Would you spend a lot of conscious moments with them? What if money was abundant? Would you live an all-rounded […]
Is scarcity mindset limiting you?

In March this year, during the beginning of COVID-19 impact, people around the world were panic buying. There was no toilet paper, flour, salt, pasta and rice amongst many other items at the supermarket. Scarcity mindset is a real human experience. The belief that you won’t have enough and if you don’t grab it now, […]
Secrets to a flawless day

The power of habits is a topic close to my heart. My second book, ‘Smart Women, Smart Habits’, is a testament to this. We all take on habits from a young age. Ones that are essential to lead an easy life. Imagine if you had to learn how to dress or brush your teeth every […]
Three steps to deal with challenging situations

Happy New Year! This is a beginning of a new decade. When you think about the last 10 years, how has your journey been? Has it been one to your liking or did it just happen? Many times, we underestimate what can be done over a period of time. I’m sure there has been both […]
Energy (in your body) and how to use it wisely

We all have limited time – as in the number of things you can do in a set amount of time. In a similar fashion, the energy in your body is limited too – based on your nutrition, health, the activities that you do and the emotions that go through your body. Have you ever […]
What happens after you achieve your goal?

Living life on earth requires us to do things and move forward. We often see that children are more curious than adults. Growing up, our life experiences make us rigid and we lose our child-likeness. We focus more on work and getting paid. Which is a good thing because you do need money for even […]
Love and forgiveness

If you really love someone, you need to be able to forgive them right? Children are really good at this. If you are a parent, you know exactly what I am talking about. Little Johnny has done something and even though he is little and you know it was not intentional, you shouted at him. […]
Be savvy about your money

Many times, we get complacent about where our money goes. A couple of months ago, there was a medical procedure done (nothing serious), but I had to get some money back from Medicare (Australian healthcare system). I was advised that the doctor’s office can handle the claim. I was happy with this because dealing with […]