Have an abundant mindset

We are infinite beings living in this human body. This is a concept that a lot of us struggle to comprehend and accept. We think, we are just humans and are born on this earth to live and die and that is the end of life. I have a slightly different view. We are infinite […]

Write it down, watch it happen

Are you into the habit of journaling? Journaling is way of writing down your thoughts, feelings and emotions. If you have been to a personal trainer, you know that one of the things they ask you is to keep track of your nutrition in your journal. They want you to note down details of your […]

Doing something different boosts creativity

It is already April and we wonder how fast time flies. Quite often, we tend to keep doing the same things over and over – work, home, weekend routine and feel bored. Here are 7 things you can do to boost your creativity: Do something you love When you were young, did you have a […]

The Dot

You know, my daughter is becoming a source of inspiration to my articles. She shared this amazing story with me the other day and it inspired me a lot, that I want to share it with you. Have you heard about a picture book called ‘The Dot’ – written and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. […]

Decision making – Head Vs heart vs gut

When it comes to decisions, most of us assume that our brain is the main decision making centre. Well, at least that is what science books taught us at school. Right? Not many know that there are two other body organs that help you in coming to conclusions. As the title of the article suggests, one […]

Is self esteem that important anyway?

The other day I was at the table having breakfast and my 8 year old daughter said this.. “Mummy, I’m the 4th or 5th smartest in class”. I’m like.. “What did you say”? She repeats the same…. And my heart stops! By this time, my husband joins us at the table and we are eagerly […]