Embrace and heal your inner child

Imagine this. You are seven or eight years old. You’ve had a good day at school and came back home with exciting news. You can’t wait to share it with your parents. During dinner when your parents are seated at the table, you tell them this exciting news. It goes like this. ‘Daddy, Mommy, we […]

My reflections from March – a month of positivity and flow💝

What a month March has been. A lot of learnings for me on the personal front. I would say this month has been a month of positivity and flow. I follow the Hindu religion and some of its teachings. The first day of the month was an auspicious day called Maha shivarathri – this is […]

Reflections from January

I want to share the story of the Chinese Bamboo. There was once a Chinese farmer who had a big plot of land. He wanted to plant seeds of the Chinese Bamboo tree because he knew that once it grew, it will provide a better future for not just his family but generations to come. […]

Reflections from November and December

Hello, my lovely readers. Did you notice my absence? I didn’t send my reflection for November or my usual article in the beginning of December. My apologies as I was going through a health issue. I even ended up having surgery in early December. But I’m really glad to say that I’m recovering and doing […]

Reflections from October

Hello and hope you had a good month. My October was heavily focused on my health as has been the past few months. Speaking to some of my girlfriends, many had some sort of health issue in the latter part of this year. As they say, when your health is shaky, only then do you […]

Reflections from August

Hey lovely ladies ❤ August has been an interesting month for me. We are yet again in another lockdown – lockdown 6.0 and my heart goes out to those who are struggling mentally, financially and emotionally. This month started for me on a weary note. In my journal, reading my notes, I was tired for […]

Reflections from June

Hey lovely people. This is my sixth reflection of the year and every month I now look forward to sharing my thoughts. The ending of lockdown #4 helped me in various ways. We had internet issues at the beginning of June, so homeschooling got hard for many days on end. I was glad when schools […]

Reflections from May

Where have the last five months gone? Do you feel the same? I feel certain issues are repeating month after month – like my health hasn’t been in top shape for the last few months. I feel like the Universe is trying to communicate something to me and I am ignoring it. But before I […]

Reflections from April

You know how when you think “I’ve got this sorted”, the Universe throws a curveball? April was like that for me in some ways. But first, April is my favourite month – because……. it is my birthday month. I’m not the kind who thinks about ‘the B day’ in advance, planning parties and such, but […]

Reflections from March

March started off on a good note. This has been another month of learning for me. I celebrated International Women’s Day with a few of my friends. We dressed up for this special occasion, decided to Uber and went into the city. We took a lot of photos (what is an event without photos to […]