Reflections from June

Hey lovely people. This is my sixth reflection of the year and every month I now look forward to sharing my thoughts. The ending of lockdown #4 helped me in various ways. We had internet issues at the beginning of June, so homeschooling got hard for many days on end. I was glad when schools […]

Are you a boundary badass?

‘Mommy, my zoom is not working and I can’t log in to class’. ‘I’m just on my break and thought I’d call for a quick chat’ ‘Darling, I’m going to be late, yet again. I know it’s my turn to cook, but what’s for dinner?’ Or ‘Can you put your plate away after your meal?’ […]

Reflections from May

Where have the last five months gone? Do you feel the same? I feel certain issues are repeating month after month – like my health hasn’t been in top shape for the last few months. I feel like the Universe is trying to communicate something to me and I am ignoring it. But before I […]

Are you an imposter?

Have you ever felt like everyone knew what they were doing, except you? Do you feel like one day the fraud police will come looking for you and drag you from your desk? If you answered yes to any of those questions, welcome to the imposter’s club. In fact, many of us would have experienced […]

Reflections from March

March started off on a good note. This has been another month of learning for me. I celebrated International Women’s Day with a few of my friends. We dressed up for this special occasion, decided to Uber and went into the city. We took a lot of photos (what is an event without photos to […]

Reflections from February

A young woman inherited a gorgeous garden from her grandmother. She loved gardening and was proud of her garden. One day, she saw a beautiful plant in a catalogue and wanted to grow it in her garden. She ordered it and planted it at the base of the stonewall in her backyard. She took great […]

My lessons from January

Do you know the story about the hare and the tortoise? Once, a hare and a tortoise decided to have a race to see who was the quickest. The hare was super confident of his speed and laughed at the tortoise for even participating in the race. The tortoise on the other hand decided to […]