Reflections from May

Where have the last five months gone? Do you feel the same? I feel certain issues are repeating month after month – like my health hasn’t been in top shape for the last few months. I feel like the Universe is trying to communicate something to me and I am ignoring it. But before I […]

Are you an imposter?

Have you ever felt like everyone knew what they were doing, except you? Do you feel like one day the fraud police will come looking for you and drag you from your desk? If you answered yes to any of those questions, welcome to the imposter’s club. In fact, many of us would have experienced […]

The courage to sit with what you don’t want

‘The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.’ -Coco Chanel Life is beautiful with its flow – there will be ups and downs, which creates challenges or opportunities (depending on what sort of person you are – glass half-full or half-empty). Following last month’s blog on ‘building a better relationship with you’ […]

Reflections from February

A young woman inherited a gorgeous garden from her grandmother. She loved gardening and was proud of her garden. One day, she saw a beautiful plant in a catalogue and wanted to grow it in her garden. She ordered it and planted it at the base of the stonewall in her backyard. She took great […]

My lessons from January

Do you know the story about the hare and the tortoise? Once, a hare and a tortoise decided to have a race to see who was the quickest. The hare was super confident of his speed and laughed at the tortoise for even participating in the race. The tortoise on the other hand decided to […]

How to navigate uncertainty like a pro

Life is not always a bed of roses, for sure. There are ups and downs and this is what makes the journey interesting. The year 2020 has been a testament to this – many people lost their loved ones, many more lost their jobs. Entrepreneurs who had spent their lives building something from scratch had […]

Frustrated with all the negativity?

Hey, It’s September 2020 and the lockdown is still in effect (at least in Victoria, Australia). It’s been hard for most people, almost six months from when it all started. I try not to get stuck too much into negativity (in general) because that doesn’t get you anywhere. So, I’ve taken to learning new art […]

Is it ok to be emotional?

Emotions are a vital part of our life as human beings. It is said that emotions evolved in response to ecological challenges faced by our primitive ancestors. Every emotion has a distinct neurological circuit. It was, and is, important for our survival! There are many emotions, but in the 20th century Paul Ekman identified six […]

What if?

What if you were to live till 150 years old? Would you live a slower pace of life? What if you realised that your children (on an average) stay with you for 20 years only? Would you spend a lot of conscious moments with them? What if money was abundant? Would you live an all-rounded […]

Is scarcity mindset limiting you?

In March this year, during the beginning of COVID-19 impact, people around the world were panic buying. There was no toilet paper, flour, salt, pasta and rice amongst many other items at the supermarket. Scarcity mindset is a real human experience. The belief that you won’t have enough and if you don’t grab it now, […]